
Nail Stickers
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13 adviezen
Nail Stickers - Maybelline
18 stickers & 1 nail file
12 000 punten
Color Show - Chic Miror - 020 Glass Slippers

Great for people who don't have time to wait for polish to dry. These stickers are easy to use and can stay on your nails for up to 10 days.

Wat zij ervan vinden...

Ripa R. (41 jaar - GB)

like the colors

Josiane N. (53 jaar - FR)

Difficile à couper à la bonne dimension, ne colle pas assez.

Elrina V. (45 jaar - ZA)

Looks good in packaging,but product does not 'stick' well,nor is it durable enough.

Christine B. (67 jaar - GB)

They look good and fit like a treat.

Louise F. (52 jaar - GB)

They were a little difficult to stick on flat all over the nail surface on some of the nail shapes.

Iryna Z. (33 jaar - PL)

So beautiful and nice. Easy in use! I am exited!